domingo, 14 de outubro de 2012

when do you think it would all become clear?

Não há coisa que eu mais deteste do que alguns ciclos que passo aqui, internamente, nessa mente cansativa. O final de semana foi surpreendentemente bom, pra quem não estava afim de sair de casa, mas admitia que precisava se soltar um pouco dessa tensão de meio de semestre. Foram semanas muito difíceis, senti uma saudade quase insuportável, prestes a ter uma crise de choro sem precedentes. Evitei ver os dramas, escutei músicas novas, tentei me focar nos trabalhos. Nada passa realmente; é como aquela dor que só vem no frio, ou aquela lembrança que vem de qualquer estímulo simples.

Tive algumas conversas também nesse final de semana/feriado. Sempre vem à tona os motivos de eu ter vindo pra cá. De fato, foi loucura, e de vez em quando eu fico reafirmando as razões pra mim mesmo ou pros outros. Preciso dessa reafirmação porque serve de justificativa pra tudo de ruim que veio de consequência: a solidão nas pequenas coisas, a distância de quem eu gosto há tanto tempo, a saudade. Como eu disse, preciso que meu trabalho tenha sentido porque, quando não tiver, tudo pode desandar.

Então é um exercício de argumentação, dos quais os argumentos eu já sei, mas preciso ficar repetindo porque o que vem de drama, vem todo de uma vez. Existem outras situações que acabam sendo mais complicadas, que não é como se eu desligasse um botão e só tornasse a ligar quando voltasse. E pra isso eu tento não parecer o babaca que deixou as pessoas que ama pra viver outra vida. E não é fácil.

domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012

plmdd essa música

My heart became a drunken runt
On the day i sunk in this shunt
To tap me clean of all the wonder
And the sorrow i have seen

Since I left my home
My home on the old milk lake
Where the darkness does fall so fast it feels like some kind of mistake
Just like they told you it would
Just like they told you it would

When I came into my land
I did not understand
Neither dry rot or the burn pile or the bark beetle or the dry well
Or the black ale

But there is another
Who is a little older
When I broke my bone he carried me up from the riverside
To spend my life in spitting distance of the love that i have known
I must stay here in an endless eveningtide

And if you come and see me you'll upset the order
You cannot come and see me for I set myself apart
But when you come and see me in California
You cross the border of my heart

Well, I have sown untidy furrows 'cross my soul but I am still a coward
Content to see my garden grow so sweet and full of someone else's flowers
Sometimes I can almost feel the power
Sometimes I am so in love with you
Like a little clock that trembles on the edge of the hour
Only ever calling out "cuck-oo, hoo-oo, hoo-oo"

When I called you
You little one
In a bad way
Did you love me, do you spite me?
Time will tell
If I can be well
And rise to meet you rightly

While moving across my land
Brandishing themselves like a burning branch
Advance the tallow-colored, wall-eyed deer quiet as gondoliers

Where I wait all night for you in California
Watching the fox pick off my goldfish from their sorry, golden state
And I am no longer afraid of anything
Save the life that here awaits

I don't belong to anyone, my heart is heavy as an oil drum
And I don't want to be alone my heart is yellow as an ear of corn
And I have torn my soul apart from pulling artlessly with fool commands
Some nights I just never go to sleep at all, and I stand
Shaking in the doorway like a sentinel, all alone
Bracing like the bow upon a ship and fully abandoning
Any thought of anywhere but home

My home
Sometimes I can almost feel the power
And I do love you
Is it only timing that has made it such a dark hour?
Only ever chiming out "cuck-oo, hoo-oo, hoo-oo"

cu-ckoo, cu-ckoo, koo, ha-a, ha-hour, ha-a, ha-a
cu-ckoo, cu-ckoo, koo, ha-a, ha-hour, ha-a, ha-a
cu-ckoo, cu-ckoo, koo, ha-a, ha-hour, ha-a, ha-a
cu-ckoo, cu-ckoo, koo, ha-a, ha-hour, ha-a, ha-a

My heart, I wear you down, I know
Gotta think straight, keep a clean plate
Keep from wearing down

If I lose my head
Just where am I going to lay

For it has half who need to be hanging around
You know Daphne blooming out the big brown
I'm a native too, but I'm overgrown
I am sure my roots are near as writ as wrote
Down in California

a original: